



Partner seit: 2024

De­ve­lo­ping mu­nici­pa­li­ties di­gi­tal­ly

hitcom gmbh - your agency for digital development. For over 25 years, we have been designing outstanding websites for cities, municipalities, districts and energy suppliers. We are the industry leader in the south of Germany and know exactly what your citizens love about digital: outstanding online citizen service.

Next level: disgovery
CMS was yesterday! Discover the software of the future and take your city, municipality or district to the next level. The digital administration of the future is breaking completely new ground and relies on open data, user experience (UX) and artificial intelligence (AI). Our disgovery software is designed and made precisely for these requirements. Funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, disgovery is focused on the target group, usability and maximum performance. The municipal website of the future:

  1. integrates content from a wide range of providers (such as Formcentric)
  2. gets all visitors to their destination as quickly as possible
  3. creates digital experiences

More than 2.5 million citizens already rely on hitcom's service-oriented solutions. Almost 50 experts work passionately every day to digitally inspire citizens throughout Germany.