
Form ma­na­ger for busi­nes­ses: data
se­cu­ri­ty and ef­fici­en­cy

In times when data breaches regularly make the headlines, the secure management of customer information offers businesses a decisive competitive advantage. Read on to find out how we at Formcentric ensure effective protection for your business data.

A picture of the GDPR and ISO-27001 logo shows what Formcentric's strengths are.

Every day, customers provide your company with their personal data – and typically without giving the security of this data a second thought. The importance of professional data security only becomes clear when data breaches are discovered. By then, however, it’s often too late: the damage to customer confidence and your company has already occurred. With our expertise in data security, we help you to avoid these kinds of scenarios.

Cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty: a gro­wing chal­len­ge for busi­nes­ses

The threat landscape is developing rapidly in the digital space, with cyberattacks not only becoming more frequent but also more complex. Alongside financial losses, there are also long-term impacts to business: A successful attack not only disrupts your business processes but can also destroy customer confidence. In a worst-case scenario, your customers will move their business permanently to a competitor.

In light of the continuing digital transformation and cloud computing, data security must be given the utmost priority. Good practice here not only protects against external and internal threats but also secures the future viability of your business.

Your data se­cu­ri­ty is our top prio­ri­ty

At Formcentric, we see every completed online form as proof of the customer’s trust in your company. We honour this trust by ensuring we meet the very highest security standards. In doing so, we focus on achieving three key security goals.

1. Uncompromising confidentiality
We ensure full compliance with all European data protection standards. All data is processed according to the EU GDPR on servers in German data centres. If you have specific security requirements, Formcentric offers you the option of on-premise data processing. In this case, all data remains within the network hosted by your corporate infrastructure. This gives you full control and lets you comply with the most demanding security requirements.

2. Maximum availability
Our high-availability data centres are monitored 24x7 to ensure trouble-free operation round the clock. In addition, we also use our sophisticated backup system to take backup copies of your data at regular intervals. In this way, we ensure that your data is not only safe and secure but also accessible whenever you need it.

3. Certified system integrity
The integrity of our systems is a top priority at Formcentric. Our information security management system (ISMS) is based on the continuous analysis of risks and vulnerabilities, and incorporates specific measures for both preventing and responding to security incidents. Our ISMS processes are modelled on the stringent provisions of ISO 27001 certification. Our security standards are audited regularly by TÜV NORD. Our successful audit results confirm our long-term compliance with the ISO guidelines.

Part­ner­ship for se­cu­re data

Formcentric gives you more than just a form manager. Formcentric is your partner for professional data security. We prioritise technical security alongside transparency: while we make sure your data is given optimum protection at all times, you also maintain full control over your form content.

Start your free trial today

Discover how easy it is to achieve simple, reliable data protection. Secure your forms – and the confidence of your customers.

Stay in­for­med

Formcentric is available in three different products. We will answer your questions about the product at any time.
