On­line forms ‑ di­gi­tal
pro­ces­ses at their best

Focus on form-centred communications and get your business processes digitalised in a matter of minutes. Formcentric Cloud is an online form manager that you use for user-friendly data collection, service automation and lead generation.

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Se­cu­ri­ty first with Form­cen­tric

If you’re looking for secure management of your online forms and the data they collect, Formcentric is there for you.

The logo shows the abbreviation DE, which means that the form manager is developed in Germany.

Made in Ger­many

Formcentric is developed in Germany and saves all of its data exclusively on servers located on German territory.

The logo shows a classic lock and protective shield. The logo reflects the fact that Formcentric is GDPR-compliant and therefore secure.


Formcentric comes with the GDPR already built in. You’re always working in line with the latest regulations.

We use the green and hook icon in the context that Formcentric is secure and ISO 27001 certified.

Top se­cu­ri­ty

Formcentric uses a certified information security setup. Our ISO 27001 certification is regularly audited by TÜV NORD.


What our customers say about Formcentric

  • Helaba Geschäftsbank uses the Formcentric form manager for various internal and external business processes.

    We have used Formcentric to map out our internal processes and have integrated the forms manager into CoreMedia v11 so that it now provides us with form functions on our Customer Portal. This has allowed us to streamline our workflows while further improving our communications with savings banks and customers.

    Sascha Kögler Deputy Director Systemmanagement
  • Maxon company logo

    Formcentric has not only given us a good solution for forms but has also introduced us to a capable partner who we can work with to meet our challenges and achieve our goals. This solution, which can fully integrate with our CMS, now delivers more than 60 forms and is seamlessly connected to other satellite systems like our market marketing automation platform and shop system.

    Mario Warthmann Corporate Marketing & Innovation
  • In addition to the icon, the company logo also features the words Humbaur makes it possible.

    Formcentric not only lets us optimise our invitation management for events but also gives us new ways to organise customer surveys that return truly meaningful data. Thanks to this flexible platform, we can create surveys that are a perfect fit for our needs. And the straightforward collection and analysis of form submissions means we can work more efficiently while gaining valuable insights into our forms.

    Stephanie Brey Online-Marketing Managerin
The icon (showing a form and a pen) is used in communication and shows the editing of online forms

In­tui­ti­ve form crea­ti­on

The powerful Formcentric editor lets you design your forms exactly as you want them. Create everything from a simple contact form to a set of forms for mapping out your complex business processes. A rich feature set and the user-friendly interface simplify your work at all times.

The icon (green tick and orange exclamation mark) is used in communication for the input error check feature.

In­li­ne va­li­da­ti­on

Ensure the quality of the data entered. Have details such as email address, postcode or IBAN checked in real time as they are entered.

Formcentric helps to ensure that forms are filled out the way you want them to be.

Dy­na­mic forms

Make it easier for your users to complete your forms by deploying forms that respond dynamically to input and hide anything that’s not needed.

Classic Formcentric logo blue background with an F which stands for Formcentric and can often be seen on the website.

Form­cen­tric Head­less

Formcentric Cloud includes an integrated headless server. ‘Headless’ means that the frontend (form) and the backend (the data) are separated from one another. This makes it easy to integrate your Formcentric forms into new channels and platforms. The backend is also quick to extend and modify to suit any new requirements without your team needing to redevelop the entire application. This saves you time and resources.

The icon shows a type of navigation which is intended to reflect how forms can be further processed after submission. The e-mail routing feature is described here.

Email rou­ting

Use targeted forwarding to send the data entered into the form to the right recipient for analysis.

Das Icon nutzen wir in der Kommunikation für die Auswertung und Analyse von Online Formulardaten.

Data ana­ly­sis

Analyse the data that you collect using a wide range of filter options in order to quickly find and forward relevant information.

Two green ticks indicate that forms can be created with the double opt-in and are legally compliant.

Dou­ble opt-in

Ensure your organisation stays legally compliant by making sure that you attain user consent before sending them marketing and sales emails.

The icon shows that multi-page forms can be created.

Multi-page forms

Transform complex registration or application processes into clearly structured multi-page forms.

Formcentric website icon which graphically shows that files such as documents, images and videos can be uploaded.

File upload

Offer your users the option of uploading documents, images and videos.

Media can be uploaded and processed in the Clients form.


Upload your media and use these in your forms – you can access them at any time straight from the Editor.

The icon shows symbols from a calculator. Formcentric values are added together in the form.

Cal­cu­la­ted va­lu­es

Fields can make calculations using the values entered and then update the form dynamically as appropriate.

Recurring icon representing the Formcentric documentation.

Help cent­re

You can find the complete Formcentric documentation in our Help centre.

The icon where a question mark is displayed refers to the FAQs where questions are answered.


Get the answers to the most common questions.

The icon represents an envelope, which stands for the topic of making contact.


Contact our Support Team.

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